Sunday, May 17, 2020

Respect Authority - 1669 Words

I, have always respected authority, I believe it is always imperative to respect authority, as shortly after I entered the Marine Corps I heard a story about a NCO that told a LCPL to get over here now and he did and right after he moved the berm where he had been standing was shot right where his head would have been. I remember that story from when my gunny told it to me when I first got to the fleet it’s something I don’t think I will ever forget it is one of the things that reminds me every day that it is most important and imperative that I always listened and have instant willingness and obedience to orders. My parents both were military my father was in the Army for twenty one years and he retired as a Sergeant first class in the†¦show more content†¦This also includes the Army rank structure the Air Force rank structure and the Navy rank structure not just the Marine Corps rank structure I believe respecting authority is key in and job carrier or milita ry organization without respecting ones authority we would have chaos in the world. It truly does not matter your rank or station in life you will always have someone above you in authority giving you orders, orShow MoreRelatedMilitary Discipline and Respect for Authority Essay1032 Words   |  5 PagesMILITARY DISCIPLINE AND RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY Discipline is used in the civilian world as of coarse the military world. As a basic everyone is expected to address everyone by their proper tittles. In the Army, saluting is to show respect toward an officer, flag, or our country. 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