Thursday, February 27, 2020

Using movement to teach academics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Using movement to teach academics - Essay Example Learning through movement is the preferred mode of learning for young children. This is because through active involvement, children are able to learn the best. For example in prepositions, should be made part of movement in class as they are critical in life; children need to understand them fully. As children move in every direction (under, slide, around, in tunnels, near and over objects) the words make more meaning to them. Such orientation in the space is important for children to identify letters and symbol orientation in a page. Sandra Minton says that the difference between a letter â€Å"b† and â€Å"d† is dependent upon orientation as both letters are comprised of a circle and a line (2003). Whenever children talk or listen to each other like on the playground as they make new inventions, they are practising and expanding vocabulary as well as learn how to communicate which is an important lesson. In Saudi Arabia where I come from, active learning was not part of the curricula as teachers saved on the academic time. What they did not understand is that young children can not concentrate in class like adults, listen to all the vocabularies and remember them next time in class. Practice through activities makes learning a quicker method in early childhood development. When children are made to keep quiet and listen in class, they do not learn how to communicate. But when they are encouraged to move and talk, have physical classes, they can invent games and reinvent the rules, which further enhance their communication skills (Block, 2001). Such children are able to express themselves even when they become adults. When they are made to skip lightly, this means that they are utilizing adjectives in the field, they are no longer abstract concepts in on the wall of the classroom. Physically demonstrating their actions with words makes the children comprehend their word easily and last longer. For example, words like stalk, or

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Crime fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime fiction - Essay Example Violence in the media is not confined only to fictional shows and does not serve only the purpose of shock value. Rather, as people face greater and greater exposure to the outside world at an earlier and earlier age and as they get more and more conditioned to learn through all five senses rather than just one, suddenly, being told about a murder isn’t enough. We need to see the murderer to be able to visualize it and have it feel real. If that fails to get the message through, we need to see the site of the crime and the people affected and the way it was done. It is less sadism as it is natural in us to want to grasp the full reality of something, and as the definition of that reality has changed over time, so have the depictions we are shown.News channels and television shows alike rely on graphic details to illustrate the full impact of a crime. Crime shows will often show gruesome depictions of these crimes through highly realistic make-up and body models, with these cri mes being described in highly intricate details. The problem however is that crime fiction isn’t classified as specifically for adults of a certain age and therefore these shows are shown in time slots where even children can have more or less unrestricted access to them. Violence on television isn’t as the same taboo as perhaps nudity or drug use might be, despite studies showing that it has negative effects just at par with them. Since property offences have no mass appeal, they are replaced by the more gory and exciting crimes of violence. Studies (Barker & Petley, 2001) have shown explained the popularity of crimes in these shows by the fact that it depicts life in a far more exciting light. Two men arguing are shown to resort to fist fights rather than drawing out legal orders through a long tedious process. Things happen faster and with exaggerated emotion and magnitude, exactly as we fantasize but never actually do. Television violence plays into these subconsci ous desires and fantasies and plays out for us in visual detail what fails to form into concrete thoughts in our minds.